Old Friends, New Friends and Big Lakes: Reflecting on our Canadian Tour
2023: A Year in Review
Review: The New Zealand String Quartet at Waikanae – Emperors, dictators and husbands in music
End of the Path: A Look Back on Our 2023 National Tour
Review: Woven Pathways: the NZ String Quartet reflects on the human experience
Review: New Zealand String Quartet’s Woven Pathways takes you on an incredible journey
North American Tour: A Homecoming
Preparations Begin for our Long-Anticipated North American Tour
Arts on Tour: Reflecting on a Rewarding Tour
Reflecting on Irish Airs & Graces by Dave Flynn
A Look Back on a Magical Tour
A Composer in This Day and Age: An Interview With Sarah Ballard
Reflecting on our Collective Place in this World: The Music of First Light
A COMPELLING, MULTI-LAYERED WORK - Ad Parnassum – Purapurawhetū
NZ String Quartet: Into the Light (NZ Listener)
New Zealand String Quartet, Musica Viva Tasmania (Limelight Magazine)
Strings and Ancient Sounds of New Zealand (Canberra City News)
Composing with taonga puoro (Otago Daily Times)
Five Lines: Subtlety and Flair (Wellington)
Theatre Review: Unique piece of theatre and a privilege to see (Wellington)